Sunday, January 9, 2011

Walkin in a Winter Wonder land?

M ore like walking in a January Blizzard! Boy it is not nice out at all. Church was canceled this morning because of the weather. So we had our own little church meeting.  Dad, during breakfast announced we would be having church meeting at eleven o'clock. So us kids thought we would be a little creative. We went to our dress up box down stairs and dressed up as pioneers. We came up stairs pushing doll carts and riding stick horses.  we got some pretty good snapshots of us all dressed up.  Maybe when i figure out how to put pics up you will all be able to see them but for now us your imaginations. 
Anyway, Talyor and Julia gave a talk.  dad conducted our meeting and told us the plans for the week.  Annie-Jo was the music conductor and i played piano. Kaden and Carter just sat and smiled. After our little meeting my mom taught Sunday school.  Mom first asked us this question, When the second coming comes who would you like to meet from the New Testament we all said except for Carter said Jesus Christ.  Carter announced he would like to meet chickens.  I guess he could meet some chickens.  
Mom taught us about John the Baptist and his parents.  Then dad told us after the lesson about Johns head.  It was great.  Right now i am hoping for no school.  But i can see the sun peeking in so i guess we will see what happens for now.        

1 comment:

  1. We were hoping for a snow day, but it didn't happen. We had to go to church. I love that Carter wants to see chickens. What would we do without Carter's random comments about life?

