Monday, January 3, 2011

Time Flys By When having Fun

So our Christmas holiday went a little like this. Julia and I played a part in the Grassy Lake pageant. I played an Angel and my sister was a stable boy who took care of 2 donkeys, 2 lamas, and a sheep. On Christmas eve our grandparents came over and the kids and I stayed up until 4:00am. Christmas morning we went into the living room and saw what Santa brought us. I got a camera and I get to go to the store and pick a bedspread of my choice. Julia also got a camera,carpet, and Santa brought her a purple bedspread. Taylor received a alarm clock and a fish filters. Kaden  got a loud gun. Carter got a Woody doll and Annie-Jo got a Jessie doll.  The rest of the day we chilled out.  On Monday we wen to go see Tangled in Cardston.  It is so funny!  I love Walt Disney Movies! Then I stayed in Levitt with Grandma and Grandpa and helped out. On Tues we went to Saskatchewan  to a ranch and spent some time with some people we knew.  The weather was not nice we had a blizzard that night and the next day.  It was not fun driving in it. Then New Years Eve had a party and New Years day went Xtream Sledding off a 50 foot cliff.  Good thing no one got hurt.  Well think that's it!  

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