Sunday, January 30, 2011

One crazy week of weather

I have come up with a silly nick name for Annie-Jo She is a blue berry poop. (Behind the scenes)
One day, I think it was on Monday I got really mad at Annie-Jo for sticking her tongue out at me. So I called her Strawberry poop. Then she got mad saying "my name is not strawberry poop it is Annie-Jo". So I said fine be that way blue berry poop". So she goes "no my name is not blue berry poop your strawberry poop" So now my name is strawberry poop and her's is blueberry poop.

Ever been on  roller coaster well that is what it has been like here as far as weather goes this past week. The week started off with lots of snow on the ground and a bit windy. It chinooked. The snow went away. By Wednesday and Thursday we were just wearing light jackets and rubber boots so we wouldn't get our feet wet. Friday the ice in our drive was almost all gone. Today we have 11/2 feet of snow and it is -21 C. Mom was getting spring fever and order all of her seeds for the garden. The snow makes her sad.

Funny sayings and things that the Lee kidos have done this week.
1. Kaden during our evening family prayers Kaden prayed that he would have fun at his friends house the next day and gave the exact time at which he wanted to have fun - 10:00am.
2. Mom was watching 2 little boys while we were at school. Mom was watching a 9 month old baby, so that meant that we had to have the house really, really clean and everything was picked up off the floor. She set up the play pen in the music room for his nap time. The baby was very klingy and didn't want to get down to play with the other kids. Finally when he got tired mom put him down in the play pen for his nap. Annie-JO seeing that Mom was free plopped herself into mom's lap saying " I'm the baby". That night after family prayer Annie-Jo announced that she was the baby and she was going to sleep in the Cage (playpen). Annie-Jo we love you.
3. Carter and Annie-Jo didn't get the memo that it is winter. Every morning they come down dressed in shorts and t-shirts.
4. On Saturday we received a call from Grandma asking how much we loved her. Of course we told her we love her lots. So she got straight to it. Grandpa had accidentlly thrown out all of our snowpants we had left behind the week before. Lesson learned do not pack using a black garbage bag. We will laugh about this in 20 years. We love you Grandma and Grandpa.

Yesterday, Grandpa came over to Taber and helped me work with my 4-H steer, Gooby. He gave me some really good tips and I'm sure glad I have such a great grandpa. I have red halter and a red belt and a red brush. I will be the most fashionable girl in the ring.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

First Dance

OH MY GOODNESS I HAD SO MUCH FUN LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! so at seven pm i went to Prairie's house to get ready. While doing our hair we listened to Glee.  I was so nervous i had butterflies but they were not going in one direction but bumping into each other boom, boom, boom.  When ever I get nervous my ears turn red and cheeks.  Did not need blush. When we finished getting ready my dad insisted that we stop at the house so he could take pictures of me going to my first dance.  My dad turned on Dancing Queen while he took pictures.  By the time my dad finished taking pictures i felt like I was going to be sick i was so nervous but Prairie told me to stay cool which i tried to. It was 8:50pm when we got to the church and it is totally not cool to be early we had to be one minute late so we went to the slowest gas station in town and picked up water and gum. When we drove by the church it was 8:55 so we drove around the block.  The roads were really slick and i was freaking out cuz i was so nervous but to sike me out more Prairie's dad  spun us around on the road and in the Church's parking lot. I was totally not feeling good. When we looked at the clock it was 9:01 perfect timing. I did not want to get out of the car but i did.  When we went onto the church no one was there but the dance committee and the leaders.  Prairie and I hung out in the Relief society room till more people showed up. I wore a cowgirl hat with a crown and Prairie wore a crazy green and black hat. We looked pretty awesome.  Soon people started showing up so i gave the leaders my dance card and headed into the gym still having butterflies. Saw one of my friends, Caleb.  We talked for awhile then the party started.  We had a couple of fast songs and then a slow song came i was slowly creeping out of the gym when Quinn  Francis asked if i wanted to dance.  After dancing with him the butterflies flew away.  I was having the time of my life.  I danced with Benjamin Torrie. We talked about hats.  He had a pretty cool hat. Egyptian.  Then i danced with a guy in grade 12.  UH i hate being short. Then i danced with Benson Clark.  HE is a walking sky scraper.  There were allot of fast songs. I had lots and lots and lots and lots of fun.  Towards the end I danced with one more person named Brett.  We went ice fishing together last year with our families.  Now i am counting down the days until the next stake dance.  I Hope everyone else at the dance had fun.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lee Pictures

Here is the LEE Gang
                                                         Carter being cute
                                                           Annie-jo not wanting to smile
                                           Us kids Annie-Jo thought she would say her mornig prayers
                                                        Funny kids picture
                                                      Me glaring at the sun

mom and dad
Here are some pics of the Lee Gang.  We took these in October and it was freezing in the morning.  Enjoy!

The Lee House

Wow allot has happened this week.  On Sunday I received my medallion and certificate for finishing my personal progress.  It is so pretty.  My goal is to do it 3 times. I have already started  my second one.  I am helping four Young women complete their personal progress.  We are competing with one another because who ever finishes last owes everyone else a blizzard from dairy Queen so we are working like bees to finish.  Our goal is to finish by the end of the summer. I am also reading the Book Of Mormon again and I am hoping to get my honor bee. Tuesday was "Invite elven year old night" and we learned how to do and take care of our nails. I painted my nails white with black stripes, ZEBRA.  I am not really a big fan for painting my nails or doing girly things.  I had a huge exam today in social.  Pretty easy but took me two hours to finish. So grateful for my grade five teacher because he was not scared to say what he believed in and who he was, for that i am grateful because i am now i can state what i believe in without fear. On my test today i was asked what i believed and I was able to state my beliefs. 
OK well the theme is crazy hat dance.  I am going to wear a cowboy hat with a crown  they said it can be cute to so i will wear that. But the seminary teacher, Brother Scott told the young men to dance with me except for one guy but i wont get into that.  But promise I will tell everyone what happens at nine o'clock pm.  I am so exited but really nervous!!!!
Hope everyone has a good night!!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Walkin in a Winter Wonder land?

M ore like walking in a January Blizzard! Boy it is not nice out at all. Church was canceled this morning because of the weather. So we had our own little church meeting.  Dad, during breakfast announced we would be having church meeting at eleven o'clock. So us kids thought we would be a little creative. We went to our dress up box down stairs and dressed up as pioneers. We came up stairs pushing doll carts and riding stick horses.  we got some pretty good snapshots of us all dressed up.  Maybe when i figure out how to put pics up you will all be able to see them but for now us your imaginations. 
Anyway, Talyor and Julia gave a talk.  dad conducted our meeting and told us the plans for the week.  Annie-Jo was the music conductor and i played piano. Kaden and Carter just sat and smiled. After our little meeting my mom taught Sunday school.  Mom first asked us this question, When the second coming comes who would you like to meet from the New Testament we all said except for Carter said Jesus Christ.  Carter announced he would like to meet chickens.  I guess he could meet some chickens.  
Mom taught us about John the Baptist and his parents.  Then dad told us after the lesson about Johns head.  It was great.  Right now i am hoping for no school.  But i can see the sun peeking in so i guess we will see what happens for now.        

Monday, January 3, 2011

Time Flys By When having Fun

So our Christmas holiday went a little like this. Julia and I played a part in the Grassy Lake pageant. I played an Angel and my sister was a stable boy who took care of 2 donkeys, 2 lamas, and a sheep. On Christmas eve our grandparents came over and the kids and I stayed up until 4:00am. Christmas morning we went into the living room and saw what Santa brought us. I got a camera and I get to go to the store and pick a bedspread of my choice. Julia also got a camera,carpet, and Santa brought her a purple bedspread. Taylor received a alarm clock and a fish filters. Kaden  got a loud gun. Carter got a Woody doll and Annie-Jo got a Jessie doll.  The rest of the day we chilled out.  On Monday we wen to go see Tangled in Cardston.  It is so funny!  I love Walt Disney Movies! Then I stayed in Levitt with Grandma and Grandpa and helped out. On Tues we went to Saskatchewan  to a ranch and spent some time with some people we knew.  The weather was not nice we had a blizzard that night and the next day.  It was not fun driving in it. Then New Years Eve had a party and New Years day went Xtream Sledding off a 50 foot cliff.  Good thing no one got hurt.  Well think that's it!  

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011

Hello to all. The New Years Party at Grandma's was totally wicked!!! Surprisingly everyone stayed up until midnight, except for Julia, who got bucked off a horse and hurt her wrist and thighs. We had a family dance with Austin as the DJ. Grandpa pulled some pretty wild moves as the dancer!! I am a total blonde who doesn't get Austin's games. I will say no more about that. We watched Toy Story 3 and had a count down until midnight. Today we went Xtreme Sledding with all the males who are old except Grandpa. That is all for now!!

Happy New Year

This is our first test run just seeing if it will work. Have a great year!!!
